International News and Events

In recent years a number of new ocean education organisations have formed and have now united with established organisations to share information and news about our one ocean and to collaborate our ongoing efforts to strengthen the role of marine education as a path to sustainable development of the ocean. The initial seven participating organisations are:

National Marine Educators Association (NMEA)Based in the USA, NMEA held its first conference in 1976 and has been holding an annual conference ever since. International delegates are welcome at these conferences. NMEA Facebook
Australian Association for Environmental Education (AAEE)Originally the Marine Education Society of Australasia (MESA) formed in 1984 but in 2015 MESA merged with AAEE to form the Australian Marine Education Network.
International Pacific Marine Educators Network (IPMEN)IPMEN grew out of collaboration between NMEA and MESA and formed after meetings held in Hawaii in 2005 and 2007. IPMEN holds a conference every two years. IPMEN Facebook
Canadian Network for Ocean Education (CaNOE)CaNOE is a relatively new Canadian based network that works with the Canadian Ocean Literacy Coalition (COLC).  CaNOE holds an Ocean Literacy conference every year.
European Marine Education Association (EMSEA)EMSEA was formed after a small group of European marine educators attended the NMEA conference in Boston in 2011. Since then EMSEA has created a number of regional groups and holds a conference every year. EMSEA Facebook
Asian Marine Educators Association (AMEA)AMEA was formed after a small group of Asian marine educators attended the NMEA conference in Newport in 2015. AMEA now holds a conference every two years. AMEA Facebook
Red de Educación Latinoamericana para el OcéanoThe newest ocean education organisation is the recently formed Latin American group called RELATO.

A list of some of the key Ocean themed conferences and events can be found at Ocean Events 2024 – 2025.