IPMEN 2025 Sponsors & Supporters 

The IPMEN 2025 Conference Committee has benefited from the generous funding support from the following organizations. 

  • By hosting IPMEN 2025, the National Academy of Marine Research (Taiwan) has taken on the role of Gold Sponsor. 
  • Nautilus Educational (Australia) is co-sponsor of the IPMEN website. 
  • Saltwater Projects (Australia) is co-sponsor of the IPMEN website. 

We are still searching for additional IPMEN 2025 financial Sponsors. For further information, please contactHarry Breidahl at nautilus.ed@me.com (IPMEN 2025 conference committee, Australia).

IPMEN 2025 Supporters & Collaborators 

The IPMEN 2025 Conference Committee has also benefited from the generous in-kind support and collaboration from the following organizations.   

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